BIRGUNJ, MARCH 10Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has hinted at the possibility of the coalition continuing till the upcoming elections."It's clear to everyone that I became prime minister with the support of friends in our coalition, so it's likely that we will contend as a united front in all three levels of elections," said the prime minister, addressing a party programme in Birgunj, Parsa, today.
Commenting on the MCC, Deuba maintained that the pact was not a loan but a grant package, and said, "The pact ratified with our initiative is the need of our country and it will create employment and support the development of our country, hence its ratification."On a different note, the NC supremo argued that his elevation to the post of prime minister was necessitated by the need to protect democratic norms and values and deliver the country from crisis.PM Deuba also stressed the need for the growth of business and industry in the country to increase exports to ensure prosperity and decrease the trade deficit with other countries.NC central member Ramesh Rijal claimed victory for his party in all three levels of election and asked party leaders and cadres to now focus on election preparation.A version of this article appears in the print on March 11, 2022, of The Himalayan Times
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